It all began on the internet.. Back in 2005, when I and S first met and then he went to his city, his mail id was all I had of him.. My first mail id was created long before that and due to no activity on it, got deactivated too. When S entered my life, a whole new world of internet opened up for me.
In those days (I was in school) I did not have an internet connection at home and projects, made with the help of internet,still hadn't been heard of in the syllabus. Today even primary students operate the internet for the school projects but our school projects were independent of the internet. Encyclopedias and library books were still the most referred study material.
It was just 2 days since he left for his city and I was missing him already. I remember the day I went to the internet cafe. It was a rainy afternoon and the cyber cafe wore a deserted look. I created my account taking a lot of time and struggling with the slow internet connection. Finally a mail was drafted and I battled if I should send it to him. After making a few changes, I finally clicked on SEND.. Then began the wait..
The whole internet and mailing thing of course had to be kept a secret lest unnecessary suspicion be drawn to something that didn't even exist. It took more than two days for him to reply to the mail.. The cyber cafe had become alluring and the only way to reach him (he didn't even have a cellphone that time). We exchanged mails and then came the next step.. I invited him for a chat.. The time was decided upon and I was hoping that he turns up..
Our first yahoo messenger chat was something very casual.. The only distinct memory of that first chat I have is that , it was the first time he called me honey ( though not in a romantic undertone) and I called him sweetheart.
The chats became something I looked forward to and started arranging all the time. The last day of the month I had half day at school. Often we used to have a chat on that day.. There was only one cyber cafe (with a decent speed) near my house. Excuses had to be made for each visit to the cyber cafe and it was all thrilling and scary at the same time. I used to look around all the time and seek out new cyber cafes at a distance from where I stayed ( too cautious I m).
The chats and mails stopped once he got into a job and we drifted away for sometime. The forwarded mails (yes, where have they gone ??) were exchanged now and then. How he fell in love and how we entered a relation is another story.. Now lets forward to 2007 when we were in a relation
We confessed our love to each other but hadn't even seen each other since 2005. Mailing photographs through cyber was a risky thing to do (remember how pictures were morphed in the initial days of internet liberty?) and neither was MMS a viable option. We came to the the internet then.. This time video calling :)
The first time we were going to video chat I remember being as nervous as a newly wed bride. ;) I hadn't seen him for soo long and the wait and the questions ! would he find me beautiful? would he change his decision when he saw me? I was very young then and naive to this whole world of romance. He had come home early from office and set out to search for a cyber with webcam.. (trust me its a bigg trouble to find one) and I was all ready and waiting for him at a nearby cafe. As fate would have, my cellphone was in repair and he had a powercut in the cafe. So I waiting for a long time before I could see him. And it was worth the wait..
There he was! sitting right in front of me in a navy blue shirt and he looked hottt.. I was lost again.. He looked at me and oh God ! I had never been so concious in my life! and then the internet connection died..
With time we depended mostly on the webcam chat to see each other. Although we got cellphone with MMS facility later but watching each other was only possible through the cam. The excuses, the frustration of not finding a suitable cyber with cam, of not finding a good connection.. We have lived through it all..
Now to the present time..
We both have internet connection at home. We both have cam. We can see each other whenever we are home. We can feel free with each other.. It's a blessing to our love story..
Even now when I m on internet in the morning and he comes online to check his mails, he sends me a chat.. We chat but we can't go on messenger since he is in office and we chat like those gone days.. Even if it's been only 10 minutes since we talked on phone we are all , "Love you jaanu " on chat.. It brings back all those days of love when internet was not so easy to have :)
Long distance isn't so much of a pain thanks to Skype :)

P.S: I know this was a long one, but had to be in continuation :) Hope you liked it..
In those days (I was in school) I did not have an internet connection at home and projects, made with the help of internet,still hadn't been heard of in the syllabus. Today even primary students operate the internet for the school projects but our school projects were independent of the internet. Encyclopedias and library books were still the most referred study material.
It was just 2 days since he left for his city and I was missing him already. I remember the day I went to the internet cafe. It was a rainy afternoon and the cyber cafe wore a deserted look. I created my account taking a lot of time and struggling with the slow internet connection. Finally a mail was drafted and I battled if I should send it to him. After making a few changes, I finally clicked on SEND.. Then began the wait..
The whole internet and mailing thing of course had to be kept a secret lest unnecessary suspicion be drawn to something that didn't even exist. It took more than two days for him to reply to the mail.. The cyber cafe had become alluring and the only way to reach him (he didn't even have a cellphone that time). We exchanged mails and then came the next step.. I invited him for a chat.. The time was decided upon and I was hoping that he turns up..
Our first yahoo messenger chat was something very casual.. The only distinct memory of that first chat I have is that , it was the first time he called me honey ( though not in a romantic undertone) and I called him sweetheart.
The chats became something I looked forward to and started arranging all the time. The last day of the month I had half day at school. Often we used to have a chat on that day.. There was only one cyber cafe (with a decent speed) near my house. Excuses had to be made for each visit to the cyber cafe and it was all thrilling and scary at the same time. I used to look around all the time and seek out new cyber cafes at a distance from where I stayed ( too cautious I m).
The chats and mails stopped once he got into a job and we drifted away for sometime. The forwarded mails (yes, where have they gone ??) were exchanged now and then. How he fell in love and how we entered a relation is another story.. Now lets forward to 2007 when we were in a relation
We confessed our love to each other but hadn't even seen each other since 2005. Mailing photographs through cyber was a risky thing to do (remember how pictures were morphed in the initial days of internet liberty?) and neither was MMS a viable option. We came to the the internet then.. This time video calling :)
The first time we were going to video chat I remember being as nervous as a newly wed bride. ;) I hadn't seen him for soo long and the wait and the questions ! would he find me beautiful? would he change his decision when he saw me? I was very young then and naive to this whole world of romance. He had come home early from office and set out to search for a cyber with webcam.. (trust me its a bigg trouble to find one) and I was all ready and waiting for him at a nearby cafe. As fate would have, my cellphone was in repair and he had a powercut in the cafe. So I waiting for a long time before I could see him. And it was worth the wait..
There he was! sitting right in front of me in a navy blue shirt and he looked hottt.. I was lost again.. He looked at me and oh God ! I had never been so concious in my life! and then the internet connection died..
With time we depended mostly on the webcam chat to see each other. Although we got cellphone with MMS facility later but watching each other was only possible through the cam. The excuses, the frustration of not finding a suitable cyber with cam, of not finding a good connection.. We have lived through it all..
Now to the present time..
We both have internet connection at home. We both have cam. We can see each other whenever we are home. We can feel free with each other.. It's a blessing to our love story..
Even now when I m on internet in the morning and he comes online to check his mails, he sends me a chat.. We chat but we can't go on messenger since he is in office and we chat like those gone days.. Even if it's been only 10 minutes since we talked on phone we are all , "Love you jaanu " on chat.. It brings back all those days of love when internet was not so easy to have :)
Long distance isn't so much of a pain thanks to Skype :)
P.S: I know this was a long one, but had to be in continuation :) Hope you liked it..
nicely presented
each and everything in love is memorable and unforgatable
Sooooo cute !!I loved this post!
Technology seriously plays a prime role in our truly does!
Lovely post! I did not mind the length!
Ahan!Indeed an engrossing real life story..lovely!..let the love bloom and be cherished forever..
Nicely penned down.
Lovely post... more than a post itz real...
@chirag: yes everything in love is memorable and brings a smile thinking back on it :)
@RedHanded : Technology brings hearts closer.. :) thanks dear for your encouragement to write LONG posts :)
@Alcina : Thanks :) Love remains cherished ..its only the people who don't unleash them ..
@Anjali : thanks for dropping by.. real life is more fascinating than fiction :)
datz true yaar...
Skype has saved more asses than we can count... We owe being able to handle the worst part of our relation to skype... Skype or not, long distance sucks! And I am just so glad that Jane left home to be with me... Finally we r together... FINALLY!!! :)
@John :Skype is a blessing.. long distance is a pain and we meet so rarely.. SKype is the only thing that brings smiles :)
@MSM : Thanks dear.. now everybody has net at home so I guess even nursery kids know to chat !
@Anjali : Thank you :)
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